Book Review: Atomic Habits
If you’ve never met me, you should know I have ADHD. And when I say ADHD, I mean I have ADHHHHHHD.
The truth is, I’m an ideas, guy and I’m not a doer. I’m not saying I can’t do things with excellence, but doing them is much more challenging. I am naturally wired as a strategic, analytical, big picture, kind of guy. That means it’s very hard for me to stay on task and get the little things done day-to-day.
This book was awesome for me, and really life-changing because it showed me I can do more if I just work smarter. There’s one take away from this book that has stuck with me. It’s called habit stacking. That means pairing one activity you like doing with the habit you’re trying to build.
For example, people ask me to do things all day long, but I do not have a strong memory. I love helping people, so I wanna make sure I don’t forget. Now when somebody asks me to help them (activity I like doing) I am immediately write it down and set a reminder on my phone (habit I’m trying to build). It’s a simple as that!